Signaling Pathway
> 小鼠模型种类-特性 > 小鼠模型的多样性和特征
1.1 Mouse models in cancer research:
The propose of cancer research is to understand tumour initiation and growth. This information helps researchers develop treatments, and eventually cures, for cancer. Many aspects of cancer research use mice, including: the production of tumours, therapy testing, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, carcinogenicity testing, et al. Following are common mice strains in cancer research.
Inbred Strains
The inbreeding of mice predisposed to developing cancer has led to a variety of specialized strains. Serving as a virtually unlimited source of many types of tumours, these inbred mice have made it possible to study the growth and general characteristics of tumours.
Nude (hairless) Mice
The nude mouse, a hairless mutant discovered in 1962, is immunodeficient, and thus does not reject tumour transplantations from other species. It lacks a thymus, which is essential for the production of T-cells, lymphocytes that are essential to the immune system. By transplanting an actual human tumour into a nude mouse, the tumour can be studied in a whole animal system.
SCID mice are even more immunodeficient than nude mice. Tumours from other species are easily transplanted into SCID mice and will grow without being rejected. For certain specific tumours, SCID mice show improved transplantability over nude mice.
Transgenic Mice
Transgenic mice result from genetically altered embryos: a gene or combination of genes is microinjected into developing oocytes. The genetic alteration affects the germ plasm, and subsequently can be transmitted to progeny. Through selective breeding, it then is possible to maintain a strain of mice consisting of individuals with particular traits of interest.
1.2 Mouse models for other diseases:
Cardiovascular disease mouse model: DBA et al;
Autoimmune diseases mouse model: NZB/ N, NZB × NZW et al;
Hydrocephaly mouse: C57BL/ KaLwN, B10, D2/ nSnN et al;
Cataract mouse L: STAR/ N et al;
Polyuria mouse: STR/ N, STR/ lN et al;
More imformation could be obtained from the following website http://www.findmice.org/index