Signaling Pathway
> 小鼠模型种类-特性 > 建立小鼠肿瘤模型的方法
2.1 Ascites model 
Method: Cancer cell line is cultured and injected into the abdominal cavity of nude mice to establish the malignant ascites model.
Then transplants the ascites sarcoma cell suspension into the armpit or other parts of the mice.
2.2 Subcutaneously implanted tumor model
Subcutaneously implanted tumor cells represent a convenient means to test novel potential anticancer drugs in vivo. A large variety of human and murine cell lines derived from both, solid tumors or leukemias, covering a wide range of tumor geno- and phenotypes, have been adapted to grow in a murine host, and thus allow testing of a compound in the appropriate tumor model.
Method: The cell line in log phase is implanted subcutaneously in mice and subsequently the subcutaneous implanted tumor is orthotopically implanted.
Cell line is injected into the subcutaneous regions of nude mice. One week later, the ectopic tumors are harvested and transplanted into the armpit or other parts of the mice. 